

Product Designer

About me

I'm 25 years old and a Product Designer with 8 years of experience, with some of that time mixed with more developer focused work. My main area of expertise is design for web systems, websites and landing pages. I work from the initial talks to the finished layout. Starting with wireframes, talking to the team, aligning everything, and then going to the layout, and again refining the design.

After that, if its for landing pages or even websites, I pass the layout to html/css/javascript (for interactions, not hardcore code dev stuff). That said, I also work on secondary stuff daily, like social media posts, banners for real life or for some of our intern web systems, marketing email layouts/htmls and a bit of video editing.

Main tools used for all the above work I do are these: Figma for wireframing, layouts and prototyping, Photoshop for more hardcore edits and some social media posts, Illustrator for logos, and Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing.


Projects (Open for detailed explanation and screenshots)